A logo for workman communications with a red circle in the middle

Cornerstone - Ply Gem

Commercial Properties

Located right around the corner, this warehouse belongs to the leading exterior building product manufacturer, Ply Gem Residential Solutions! Their products lead the industry as #1 in windows, patio doors, designer accents, stone veneer, fencing and more. With an annual social responsibility campaign to advocate for affordable housing across the US, we’re proud to be partnered with such a widely known and trusted company.

  • CCTV wiring, installation, and programming of over (60) cameras
  • Wiring and installation of (16) Access Control card readers
  • Special installation of electrified door handles, and panic bars
  • Wiring and installation of 2-way video intercom and door release
  • 1200' of OM3 fiber optic cable
Cornerstone - Ply Gem

We Provide the Best Service in the Industry

Feel free to contact us for more information

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